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Getty Scholars Program

Supporting a vibrant intellectual community to carry out innovative research about art and its histories

Project Details

A person sits at a cluttered desk in a small office and looks at sheets of paper with drawings of people on them

James Smalls, GRI Scholar 2024



The Getty Scholars Program supports innovative research about art, conceived in the broadest terms, and its histories, by providing a locus for international scholars to forge collaborations across disciplines and professional practices, while also developing new audiences for their work. During their residency, the scholar cohort is immersed in a vibrant local community devoted to the advancement of knowledge and hosted at an institution committed to preserving, understanding, interpreting, and sharing its vast library and collections. Scholars may be in residence at the Getty Center or Getty Villa.


Applicants for 2025–2026

Grant Details

The information on this page pertains to Scholar Grants for established researchers and professionals at the Getty Center. Visit the Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships or the Getty Scholars Program at the Villa pages for details about those specific programs.

Application Process

Review Process

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions about residential grant opportunities at Getty.

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