Emerging: Empathy Building Training for working with Immigrants

One in four students in US public schools are part of an immigrant family, with that closer to 50% in many urban areas. Many of these students experience challenges in K-12 and university settings at the interpersonal level, but also as a result of policies, systems, and norms that are not accommodating. Through gamification, this session will help participants to experience these challenges- and the people/systems that can help immigrants to succeed in the US. Afterwards, participants will then engage in a conversation about the experience where they critically think about the value of cross-agency work, how we define success, and how different groups of immigrants are impacting disparately by policies and practices. More information on the board game, "Emerging: The Educational Journey of Immigrant Students" can be found on CS3's Retrieving the Social Sciences podcast episode 21 and 46.

If you find that you are unable to attend, please notify Dr. Kerri Evans at kerrieva@umbc.edu so that your space can be opened to another person.

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