Tuesday, September 7, 2021
All Day
Step-tember Challenge ·
Retriever Activities Center (RAC)
7:15 AM
to 8:15 AM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Studio 144
Participants will learn the basics of yoga, including fundamental poses to increase strength and flexibility, safe transitions and practices that create deeper awareness on and off the mat.
12 PM
to 1 PM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Studio 130
Fast paced, high-intensity, total body workout that uses weights, medicine balls, jump ropes and athletic drills.
5 PM
to 6 PM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Studio 144
This yoga class will fire up your core strength as you practice proper posture alignment, flow through yoga sequences and build heat from within by connecting breath to movement.
5 PM
to 5:45 PM
Join us for Yoga on Erickson Field!
Erickson Field
Join us for a 45 minute Yoga session on Erickson Field directly across from the new Center for Well Being. Make sure to bring a yoga mat or a towel to class. FMI: aleab@umbc.edu
6 PM
to 7 PM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Studio 144
An all encompassing workout that utilizes movements from Pilates, Yoga, Core and more. Growing strong through holds and repetitive movements will allow for well defined muscles.
7 PM
to 8 PM
Retriever Activities Center (RAC) : Studio 144
Line dance is a form of dance in which memory and execution come together. Dancers learn basic steps, rhythms and routines choreographed to music, thereby improving memory and balance. Music...