Pizza & Paintball RSVP
Relax and enjoy a day of paintball with fellow veterans and friends!

Event: Paintball

When: Saturday, October 7th, 2017

Meet: OCSS lounge (Commons) at 12:00 p.m. EST for pizza

Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m. EST

Where: NR Paintball, 922 Weiker Rd, Severn, MD 21144, USA

Cost: NOW ONLY $15 (Veterans) $35 (Guests)

RSVP by WEDNESDAY 4 October 2017

**I understand and acknowledge that:

*"I understand and acknowledge that:

*The activities are physically and mentally intense and may require extreme exertion to play and the possibility of injury to myself and others does exist.  We will be using standard paintball guns for this event, and will be playing team-based, competitive games, that may include surprise attacks, ambushes, and/or loud noises.  We are expecting approximately ** people for the event.  The acknowledged risks of physical injury include, but are not limited to, risk of bruises, abrasions, contusions, sprains, fractures, serious eye injury or even death.  I fully assume the risks of injury inherent in engaging in these activities.

*The activities can be dangerous and are to be played in accordance with the stated rules, which will be given to you and posted at the site of the activities.  I certify that I have read and fully understand the stated rules of the activity and will abide by them

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Pizza & Paint Ball
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