CBLA Black and Latinx Social | Online, 6/4, 5 PM
Calling all Black and Latinx alumni! This session is designed to give new and existing alumni an opportunity to learn more about how to get involved with the Chapter of Black and Latino Alumni (CBLA) as well as know more about their role as alumni.

Join current CBLA members online on Thursday, June 4, at 5 p.m. to learn about our Black and Latinx-centered events, involvement opportunities and resources. This will be followed by an informal happy hour session in community with other Black and Latinx alumni, so we encourage you to bring your favorite snack and beverage!

For more information, contact cbla@umbc.edu or Sara Lerma Jones, Associate Director for Alumni Engagement at slj@umbc.edu.

Please note that this will be one of three socials planned for summer 2020. Stay tuned for more details!
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We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, June 4. A reminder email with the web link will be sent the day before.
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