A message from our colleagues in the Center for Social Science Scholarship. Original post here. The Center for Democracy and Civic Life is co-sponsoring this program.
Monday, February 10, 2025 · Noon - 1 p.m.
University Center : Ballroom Lounge (302)
This workshop will be presented by Jake Weissmann, Vice President for Government Relations and Student Affairs and Dr. Laura Antkowiak, Professor and Director of the Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program.
UMBC students: Join us for an informative and engaging event! Lunch will be provided so come ready to engage, learn, and enjoy a meal.
UMBC students: Join us for an informative and engaging event! Lunch will be provided so come ready to engage, learn, and enjoy a meal.

Organized by the Center for Democracy and Civic Life, the Center for Social Science Scholarship, the Department of Political Science, the Institute of Politics, the Office of Government Relations and Community Affairs, and the Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program. Cosponsored by the Graduate Student Association and the Student Government Association.