The E-Board is currently planning our second ever art showcase this semester and we are looking for artists who would like to participate! If you are interested, please fill out this application to inform us that you wish to participate. ALL ARTISTIC DISCIPLINES ARE WELCOME! If you are an actor, dancer, poet, visual artist, singer, musician, digital artist, photographer, painter, fashion designer…ANYTHING, you are welcome to apply!
If you have something you would like to showcase, but do not wish to formally present it, you are also welcome to have your work included in our gallery walk. For the gallery walk, you can submit physical artwork or something electronic that will be shown on a large monitor (i.e. a performance video, your choreography, a recording of you talking about your work, etc.). The event will be held in the Performing Arts and Humanities Building and will include a small reception before the main event.
Submissions close this Wednesday, November 9th @ 11:59 p.m! If you have any questions, you can contact our President, Kayla Massey, at kmassey1@umbc.edu, or DM our Instagram page @umbcaba!
Thank you!