“Why does John, the writer of this gospel, introduce John the Baptist like this right here? It is to make crystal clear from the very outset that God’s way of letting the light of Christ shine in the world is by human witnesses. God’s way of pushing back the darkness is by human witnesses.
“This general principle is even more clear because John was sent to testify to the light while the light was there. As soon as the light was in the world—as soon as Jesus came—God prepared and sent a human being right alongside the light to bear witness to the light. Jesus did not need John the Baptist to make him known. He could have managed by himself—he was the light of the world. But evidently God’s wisdom dictates that his Son should be heralded, announced, proclaimed by people that he sends. Evidently God knows that this is the way to bring the greatest happiness to humanity and the greatest glory to his Son.
“There are at least two implications of this for you today. One is being ready and open to God’s call on your life to send you to bear witness to the light. Don’t assume that what you are doing now is your only mission for the future. And the other is being ready and open to hear the testimony from others who are sent to you. God means to communicate to you not merely through your own private Bible reading, but also through other people” (John Piper, A Burning Witness to the Light).
Let’s thank God for his happy call on our lives to be his witnesses. Let’s pray for more Spirit led responses to his call with quick obedience and trust in our churches so that Jesus will be glorified. Ask the Lord for prayers for those among us who have yet to experience Jesus so that they will be his witnesses also.