The UMBC Review: Journal of Undergraduate Research is currently searching for a CAHSS (Culture, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences) editor, an associate STEM editor, and an associate CAHSS editor. These editors will facilitate the solicitation of applications, oversee the peer review process, and manage the publication of the 25th volume of UMBC's undergraduate research journal!
We are looking for upperclassmen who:
- Are excited about research
- Have strong writing skills
- Are extremely attentive to communication and work well in a team
- Are able to complete highly detailed editing (editing experience is encouraged but not necessary).
Interested? Apply for the position!
The application and a more detailed job description can be found on our website The application deadline is Friday, May 26 with interviews the following week. Please contact the Review editors at with any questions.
Irina Sbornova
Clair Volkening
Madelyn Pollack
Oliver Santos