A Look Ahead XX
Explorations in Transformative Research
A Look Ahead XX
Explorations in Transformative Research
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
UMBC University Center Ballroom, 3rd Floor
3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
A unique opportunity to connect with scientists, educators and biotechnology business leaders within Maryland’s scientific research community.
About a Look Ahead
A Look Ahead gives the region’s scientific community the opportunity to hear some of the nation’s top scientists discuss their transformative research. Offered at UMBC since 1999, this symposium informs the UMBC and Maryland scientific communities through two plenary speakers, a faculty poster session, and a networking reception. Hosted each year by the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, A Look Ahead is offered free of charge due to the generosity of its annual sponsors. The proceeds from this event support the Annual CNMS Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences at UMBC.