The Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, UMBC is non-profit organization committed to creating a forum to experience contemporary visual culture and to dialogue about important cultural and aesthetic issues. Visit the gallery on the first floor of the UMBC Fine Arts Building or at
Header image: Levester Williams, “dreaming of a beyond: Baltimore (2021-2024)” 4K color video/video installation still (Coming from behind, a hand with dark brown skin tone reaches around to the front of a marble column in a park-like setting. In the background a black and white marble border runs between a parallel strip of grass and a reflecting pool.)
myUMBC is a UMBC limited public community forum for information sharing and dialogue. As a public institution, UMBC generally may not limit a community member's right to free speech on this forum. UMBC does not endorse the views expressed or information presented here, unless specifically stated in an official UMBC post. Learn more...