. I want to personally invite students to the Political Science Council of Majors' (advised by Dr. Tom Schaller) first semesterly, All-Majors Interest Meeting being hosted on Wednesday, September 29th from 11-12 AM in PUP 354. This will be the Council's in-person meeting after 2 years!! The event will be an opportunity to introduce students to the Council, provide departmental resources, engage students with other POLI students, and brainstorm civic initiatives for the year.
The UMBC Political Science Council of Majors aids the Political Science department to address the needs of undergraduate students, build an inclusive community of scholars, and enhance the cultural life of all undergraduates in the department. The Council works directly with department faculty and professors to create avenues of interest for the student body and strives to aid students to succeed both within the realm of Political Science and the larger UMBC community. Moreover, we are working to strengthen civic engagement, access to resources and opportunities, and addressing any departmental issues that may arise.
Past achievements of the Council:
-Student Voting Registration, Know-your-Reps, and Civic Engagement
-POLI Senior Graduation Ceremonies led by Dr. Carolyn Forestiere
-Panel on Biden's Foreign Policy sponsored by both POLI and Global Studies
-Diversification of Department curriculums and syllabi led by Dr. Carolyn Forestiere
-Representing the POLI department
Contact Rehman Liaqat (me) (RLiaqat1@umbc.edu) or Zoe Smith (ZSmith4@umbc.edu) for any questions or concerns.