UMBC has been invited to send two delegates to the 72nd Annual Student Conference on U.S. Affairs (SCUSA), hosted by the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. SCUSA 72 begins on the evening of Wednesday, November 3rd and ends noon on Saturday, November 6th. IF YOU ARE SELECTED, YOUR COSTS FOR ATTENDING THIS CONFERENCE WILL BE FULLY COVERED. TO APPLY:
The largest and oldest conference of its type, SCUSA is an important means through which we promote civil-military engagement among future leaders. In accordance with DoD and USMA COVID-19 mitigation policies, our conference this year will include both an in-person and virtual modality. The in-person event will include 34 cadet delegates and 80 undergraduate and graduate students from over 80 universities. We are still maintaining our rich history and rigor as one of America’s premier student conferences. Conference highlights include an opening senior panel discussion on the evening of November 3rd, a keynote address on November 4th, four roundtable sessions, and a closing session on November 6th at which delegates will present recommendations for U.S. foreign policy developed during their roundtable sessions. Our keynote speaker this year is General Paul M. Nakasone, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service.
The Conference theme this year is “Disruptive Technology and American Influence in the Coming Decade.” As we enter a new decade, America faces opportunities and challenges generated by major technological innovations. Advances in disruptive technologies — such as automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning — promise to increase our ability to connect with others while addressing important threats to well-being such as disease and poverty. However, these technologies can also have negative consequences for privacy, civil liberties, prosperity, and national security. We have already seen large-scale compromises of personal data and the displacement of millions of workers. Disruptive technologies will also influence and alter trade and security relationships among major powers in the international system, often in unforeseen ways. One of the great challenges for the United States is to find effective policy responses to this rapidly evolving environment. Policymakers face a critical question: How should the United States advance its interests and values in an era of turbulent technological change? SCUSA 72, with its focus on “Disruptive Technology and American Influence in the Coming Decade,” will evaluate these new and challenging technologies to better understand optimal paths for American domestic and foreign policy. SCUSA 72 delegates will then collaborate to develop policy proposals for the U.S. government that address a dynamic, uncertain strategic environment.