The Library will be hosting a Symposium this Fall 2022. The Symposium is titled Prison State. It will explore the regional and pervasive impact of prison incarceration and the current debate around prison abolition. Specifically, we would like to engage in the conversation of prison abolition, reform, youth incarnation, cumulative trauma, rights of formerly incarcerated citizens, etc.
The inspiration for the theme is the Library's Special Collections' prison incarceration collection and the Library Gallery exhibit being hosted, called Prison Nation, simultaneously in Fall 2022.
Nine presentations are scheduled throughout the semester in the Gallery or virtually. All presentations will be streamed live.
1. Dr. Kate Drabinski, UMBC Professor: 9/30
2. Glennor Shirley, Retired Prison Librarian: 10/10
3. Kevin Muhitch, UMBC Alum: 10/19
4. Elaine MacDougall, Current graduate student: 10/26
6. Lawrence Grandpre, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle: 11/2
7. Dr. Michael Casiano, UMBC Professor: 11/9
8. Betsy Fox, MD Department of Juvenile Services: 11/16
9. Nathaniel R. Balis, The Annie E. Casey Foundation: 12/2