Create your carpool, Get a carpool space in Lot 4!
Post using the template and contact others who have posted
posted about 10 years ago
Coming Spring 2015: Carpooler Lot!
Designated spaces in Lot 4 Behind Public Policy
Click 'Download Flyer' at bottom for details about how the lot will work!
The Casual Carpooling Discussions is your starting point for creating a carpool!
How does UMBC carpool?
1. On Discussions tab, click 'Post Discussion' on right side of page
2. Title: What city do you commute from?
3. Body: Use the template below
4. Community Options: Click **Post to Community Discussions** on the side and Allow comments so that others may see your post, paw it, and respond to it!
5. Click 'Send Notifications' box next to 'Post Discussion'
6. Everything looks good? Click 'Post Discussion' (bottom of page) and let the carpool magic happen!
7. Click the 'Members' tab to add yourself to receive future notifications from commuters looking to carpool.
Name:Best way to contact me (include contact info):
Offering a ride/Want a ride:
Which semester:
Carpool days/times:
Fun fact about yourself:
Anything else?
(edited about 10 years ago)