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May 20, 2019 by Catherine Borg Many students come to UMBC with the goal of leaving the familiar behind to take on new challenges and gain a fresh perspective. Once they’re on campus, that’s...
May 21, 2019
2:10 PM
UMBC's 6th annual program shares strengths and skills
October 22, 2018 by Kait McCaffrey The UMBC Women’s Center has planned this year’s Critical Social Justice Week (CSJ) around the core idea that “a single light can’t illuminate a city or a...
October 25, 2018
8:09 AM
May 24, 2018 by Megan Hanks Six finalists pitched creative business ideas to a panel of judges during UMBC’s fifth annual Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition (CBIC), held on April...
May 24, 2018
3:08 PM
awards to faculty who wish to pursue new areas of research
April 28, 2017 by Megan Hanks The Office of the Vice President for Research has awarded Strategic Awards for Research Transitions (START) and Summer Faculty Fellowship (SFF) awards to a 24 UMBC...
April 28, 2017
11:57 AM
to boost gender parity in government
April 4, 2017 by Dinah Winnick UMBC’s Elect Her workshop offered an engaging introduction to electoral politics for dozens of young women from UMBC and local high schools this spring. Kate...
April 5, 2017
7:15 AM
explore overlapping research and creative interests
November 8, 2016 by Sarah Hansen “The complex problems we face do not organize themselves neatly into the categories we’re used to,” says Carole McCann, professor and chair of gender and women’s...
November 10, 2016
7:43 AM