Sonya and I want to first thank you all for your commitment to the CRM Implementation project thus far. We are thankful for a GREAT bunch of folks like you all who are trying to help improve our systems and processes around inquiry and recruitment at UMBC.
Looking at my tablet photos the other day I found a picture that was dated 2/16/2015.
On this date in 2015 some members of DPS traveled to the UMBC Training Centers in Columbia on "mini retreat" to start planning for the possibility of implementing a CRM. This picture shows the whiteboards which stretched almost the length of a classroom that we used to document DPS' current inquiry process and tools. Fast forward approximately 2 years later we which includes The Grad School, Information Systems and DPS are embarking upon implementing a CRM! We still have a ways to go, but hopefully this picture helps us to reflect on how far we've come.
Sonya and I wish you all a very restful break with hopefully some time to spend with your family and loved ones.