The SGA Election Board has voted to amend the 2019 SGA Election Rules on March 12th, 2019.
The following rules have been amended: #5, #14, #16, #17, and #26.
#5: In consideration of students who cannot attend the mandatory candidate orientations on March 11th and 13th: if a candidate is not able to make one of these sessions and has made every effort to re-arrange their schedule, they must notify the Election Board Chair, by email, in advance of the final orientation to make arrangements to meet with the Election Board Chair (Jessica Kweon) or their designee (Candace Martinez-Doane). The Election Board will determine if the reason presented is valid and sufficient enough to allow for the candidate to schedule an alternative meeting before the start of campaigning, March 15th.
#14: Language was changed to have inclusive pronouns. The rule was also revised to highlight that no active campaigning is permitted in any residential facility or in True Grit's in order to respect residential students and the Residential Life policies.
#16: The rule was revised to extend to - in addition to email - social media platforms and messaging in order to prevent incidents of students being approached or notified without consent.
#17: The rule was revised to underscore that both virtual and physical campaigning requires the completion of the endorsement process.
#26: The rule was clarified to identify the Election Board as an entity.