"How to Give a Good Pitch" Workshop
Have you ever wondered what a good pitch consists of? This workshop is for you!
On Wednesday, March 8th from 12-1pm in Commons 331, Stephen Auvil, the Chief Program Operations Officer at TEDCO will be joining us! During his presentation titled, "How to Give a Good Pitch", Stephen will discuss basic communication skills that are required for a successful pitch, a detailed description of the slides that you should include, and ten steps to make your pitch more competitive.
The talk also will include some fun examples of what to do and what not to do in a pitch, and it will include some interesting data from a study that will give insight into what investors focus on in a pitch. This information will be helpful for those preparing a pitch for the Cangialosi Business and Innovation Competition Pitch competition or for anyone interested in pitching to investors. Students, faculty, alumni, and members of the business community are welcome to attend! FREE snacks will be provided!
CBIC Application
The Alex. Brown Center's Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition (CBIC) is an opportunity for UMBC students who are serious about starting a business or social impact venture to pitch their idea to a panel of judges to win money to help launch their venture. The CBIC submission form is now available on our website. We can't wait to hear your ideas! The deadline for submission is March 6th at 1pm! There's only a few days left to submit your idea!
To learn more about the CBIC and view the submission form, click here!
ABCEI Scholarships
Reminder: The NEW deadline for submission is Friday, March 10th, 2023. To learn more about the scholarship opportunities, click here!Black and Gold Rush
Black and Gold Rush isn't over yet! On March 1-2, 2023, we call upon Retrievers everywhere to join us for Black & Gold Rush, 36 Hours of Giving, by making a gift of any size to support the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Your contribution helps to support our mission to guide student entrepreneurs. Click here to give!