Wednesday, January 31, 2024
11:30 AM - 1 PM
11:30 AM - 1 PM
Looking to ensure a more disability-inclusive workplace in your department? Human Resources and Accessibility and Disability Services will provide a more in-depth review of UMBC's Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Leave and Disability Accommodation processes focusing on working with an employee's own health condition/s*. Attendees will strengthen their ability to co-create a disability-friendly workplace and community while having a more in-depth understanding of the intricacies surrounding FMLA leave and disability accommodations. Presenters are:
- Stephanie Lazarus, Accessibility Manager of Accessibility & Disability Services, will present on disability inclusion and the employee accommodation process;
- Andrea Guzman, Employee Relations Specialist and FMLA Designee of Human Resources will present on FMLA Leave for an Employee's Serious Health Condition (pages 1-6 of the link)
This in-person event is open to UMBC employees and will refresh information shared during orientation as well as provide a deeper understanding of this aspect of disability inclusion. Plan to join us by RSVPing below and adding the event to your calendar.
Need to request a disability-based accommodation or have questions about the event? Email the organizers via
Looking for more information in the interim?
*HR Information on FMLA Leave for employees providing care for an immediate family member is linked here, use pages 1 and 7-11, while HR information for Military Family FMLA is linked here.
Thumbnail of a diverse group of professionals seated around a large rectangular table. Photo credit: Christina @