Graduate Assistant Advisory Council
Student Organization • 1393 people
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Our Purpose

Our purpose is to listen & dialogue 

We listen to you and dialogue with the administration about any work related issues. We listen to you, we speak on behalf of you.

The Graduate Assistant Advisory Committee (GAAC aka the g double a c) was created under the University System of Maryland (USM) Meet and Confer policy. This policy facilitates formal discussions between Graduate Assistants (GA’s) and University Administration about employment issues such as compensation and benefits. For more information on what Meet and Confer means click here.

The GAAC functions independently of the GSA, providing a platform specifically for GA’s to voice their concerns. We strive to productively work and coordinate with administrators to continue a good work environment and bring about positive changes for graduate assistants students. If you have any questions or an issue you would like brought to the administration’s attention, please contact us through the contact us link.