Several GESTAR II researchers are Principal Investigators or Co-Investigators on proposals recently selected for funding.
PI: Assaf Anyamba (618/UMBC). Co-PI: S.C. Britch (USDA-CMAVE). Co-I: S. Uz (610), W.M. Thiaw (NOAA-CPC), LTC K. Taylor (DoD-GEIS), C. Pittiglio (FAO), A. Riviere Cinnamond (PAHO), K.J. Linthicum (USDA-CMAVE).
Title: "MEDINA: Machine Learning, Climate Variability and Disease Dynamics"
Awarded by NASA ROSES-2021 (A.37. Earth Science Applications: Health and Air Quality).
PI: K. Emma Knowland (610.1/MSU), Co-I/Science PIs: Carl Malings (610.1/NPP), Nathan Pavlovic (Sonoma Technology, Inc), Co-Is: Steve Cohn (610.1) and Christoph Keller (610.1/MSU).
Title: "Supporting local government public health and air quality decision-making with a sub-city scale air quality forecasting system from data fusion of models, satellite, in-situ measurements, and low-cost sensors"
Awarded by NASA-ROSES 2021 (A.37 Earth Science Applications: Health and Air Quality).
PI: Sujung Go (613/UMBC), co-I: Yujie Wang (613/UMBC) and collaborators: Alexei Lyapustin (613) and Edward Hyer (NRL).
Title: "EPIC Aerosol Retrieval Datasets for Diagnosing and Improving Aerosol Optical Treatments in the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System"
Awarded by NRL/ONR.
Congratulations to all!