Hello everyone,
We hope you are enjoying spring break so far. The $250 payment has been extended to March 17 (tomorrow) by 5 pm. If you plan on joining us for the brigade to Honduras this summer, you must pay the money through your MyBrigade account. We are so close to reaching our minimum goal of 10 volunteers! As always, feel free to ask the e-board any questions you may have. Additionally, you can reach out to our program associate, Dr. Joyce Pineda (joyce.pineda@globalbrigades.org) and ask her questions you may have.
How to make a volunteer account: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12_41HI3t-mPmMsGpQxLfXW9qHlQVDiwPeXXuHSMcj78/edit?usp=sharing
Pay money here: https://fundraise.globalbrigades.org/empowered/chapter/university-of-maryland-baltimore-county-medical-brigades-chapter
Global Brigades E-board
PS- We received some questions regarding additional costs for the brigade. The donation goal for each volunteer is $2,500. This covers flights (to and from Honduras), food (3 meals/day for 1 week), the staff (i.e. physicians who will go with you), and transportation. To meet this goal, we are fundraising, but you can also reach out to people you know (i.e. friends, family, businesses, etc.) to donate. The $250 due tomorrow goes towards booking our flights so that we do not have to pay for them out-of-pocket.