To expand research capabilities, iHARP hosted a High Performance Computing (HPC) Bootcamp on November 12, 2024 led by iHARP Research Assistant Sai Vikas Amaraneni with support from DoIT members Roy Prouty, Philip Henry, Beamlak Bekele, and Max Breitmeyer.
iHARP and UMCES CGC-SCIPE researchers were introduced to UMBC’s HPC resources and gained hands-on training in the Ada High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. The bootcamp introduced fundamental concepts in Ada such as BASH basics, and environment setup for efficient research workflows, as well as managing jobs with SLURM. Attendees used a case study involving Patch-CNN for predicting sea ice extent in the Antarctic region (research project being presented at AGU this year), in order to understand the role of HPC in research boththrough single GPU and Multi-GPU training.
We would like to thank Sai Vikas Amaraneni and DoIT members Roy Prouty, Philip Henry, Beamlak Bekele, and Max Breitmeyer for their support and dedication to furthering research capabilities in iHARP and UMCES.