Dear UMBC Community,
As we continue our transition back to our vibrant campus community, we are excited to welcome many of our faculty and staff back to the physical campus on August 9. After a year of being mostly remote, we have remained united, strong, and continued to show grit as we overcame challenges and obstacles. To celebrate the return to campus, we will hope that you join us for the various opportunities throughout the month, as we re-enter our offices, reunite with colleagues, and continue to push forward through any challenges that we may face for the next academic year.
We hope you will join us in celebrating the return to campus by:
As we continue our transition back to our vibrant campus community, we are excited to welcome many of our faculty and staff back to the physical campus on August 9. After a year of being mostly remote, we have remained united, strong, and continued to show grit as we overcame challenges and obstacles. To celebrate the return to campus, we will hope that you join us for the various opportunities throughout the month, as we re-enter our offices, reunite with colleagues, and continue to push forward through any challenges that we may face for the next academic year.
We hope you will join us in celebrating the return to campus by:
Visiting the Professional Staff Senate (PSS) Welcome Back Table on Monday August 9, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.; featuring coffee, pastries, and smiles!
Showing off your smiles in the virtual photo booth.
- Posting to social media using #UMBCwelcome; send us your reunion selfies and welcome messages for new students.
- Picking up your Welcome Home door tag from the PSS Welcome Back Table, Human Resources lobby, Campus Life Suite, or the Bookstore; or emailing us to grab a stack for your office.
- Attending the PSS & Non-Exempt Staff Senate (NESS) Staff Cookout, an in-person BBQ and hybrid raffle, on Friday, August 13 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
We’ll also be giving away the grand prize in our Vaccinate. Verify. WIN! campaign: a free parking pass! All employees with a verified vaccination or approved exemption have been automatically entered. Stay tuned on social media for our drawing.
A Note on Safety
We know that the public health situation is evolving and we continue to make health and safety arrangements for our campus. We remind you that, at this time, masking continues to be required indoors at UMBC. Please also maintain physical distancing of at least three feet whenever possible. Large rooms will have reduced capacities posted and overall we have made an effort to reduce density in indoor spaces. Please be mindful of distancing when considering in-person meetings and continue to rely on virtual meetings as much as possible.
We are looking forward to seeing you on campus next week and beyond!
A Note on Safety
We know that the public health situation is evolving and we continue to make health and safety arrangements for our campus. We remind you that, at this time, masking continues to be required indoors at UMBC. Please also maintain physical distancing of at least three feet whenever possible. Large rooms will have reduced capacities posted and overall we have made an effort to reduce density in indoor spaces. Please be mindful of distancing when considering in-person meetings and continue to rely on virtual meetings as much as possible.
We are looking forward to seeing you on campus next week and beyond!