This campus update is from Enrollment Management. Receive regular updates by following their myUMBC page.
On January 5, 2022, UMBC will launch its enhanced online enrollment tools and interface to support students’ academic planning. The enhanced tools and interface, powered by HighPoint Technology Solutions, provides critical infrastructure needed to support a more improved student enrollment experience for both students and advisors, including degree planning, class search, registration and schedule adjustments. This improved enrollment experience further supports and promotes the goals and objectives of the Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEP) with respect to the defined Student Success Strategy. Specifically, students and advisors will benefit from:
An Updated Look and Feel: The new interface offers a fresh, modernized look and a more intuitive experience. Students and advisors serving as early test-drivers of the enhanced tools and interface report overall positive user experience.
A More Integrated Experience: Because the new enrollment solution sits inside PeopleSoft SA (our student information system), enrollment transactions will be facilitated more seamlessly from beginning to end. For example, students can build courses into their degree planner and schedule builder, place the courses into their shopping cart, and register for the courses within the same platform. Students no longer have to move from one tool to another to complete an enrollment transaction.
More Real-Time Transactions and Updates: The unified experience and approach will allow the scheduler builder tools, that includes class enrollments, open seats and waitlist totals to be almost real-time - providing both students and faculty with timely and accurate information for academic planning purposes.
More Robust Class Search Options: The enhanced tools respond to feedback from students and advisors about the need for more robust search options. Now, students and advisors can leverage more search options including the ability to search courses that meet GEP requirements without having to select additional search criteria. Additionally, search results are displayed in an easily readable format without the need to drill down for more course detail.
For more information about the enhanced enrollment tools and interface, we invite you to review the online FAQs or contact the Registrar’s Office.
The enhanced online enrollment tools and interface represent the beginning of a series of planned enrollment enhancements to support student success. Other planned enhancements include an improved new student onboarding (confirmation/deposit) experience and more robust degree planning tools.
Thank you to the Registrar’s Office and the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) teams for leading, planning and facilitating these important enhancements. Thanks, too, to our SA Academic Advisory Committee - represented by our Colleges, Office of Academic and Pre-professional Advising, Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, and the Student Government Association - for providing critical insight and feedback about the student and advisor enrollment experience to help inform this project.