Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to update you on UMBC’s plan for implementation of the salary enhancements for University System of Maryland (USM) faculty and staff included in Governor Hogan’s budget for FY 2022 and FY 2023.
Eligible faculty, staff, and graduate assistants will receive FY 2022 enhancements—including a one percent Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), a 2.5 percent merit increase, and a one-time bonus.
Bonus: All Regular faculty and staff, Contingent II staff, and graduate assistants who were on payroll as of January 2, 2022, will receive a one-time $1,500 bonus, prorated by full-time equivalency (FTE), in the February 4, 2022 paycheck.
COLA: All Regular faculty and staff, Contingent II staff, and graduate assistants will receive a one percent COLA retroactive to January 2, 2022, in the February 18, 2022, paycheck.
Merit: Regular faculty and staff and Contingent II staff are eligible to receive a 2.5 percent increase retroactive to January 2, 2022, in the February 18, 2022, paycheck.
Exempt staff, faculty, and Contingent II employees must have been in an eligible position prior to January 15, 2021.
Exempt and Nonexempt employees must have at least an ‘Effective” on their 2021 performance evaluation.
Nonexempt employees must have completed their original probation by June 30, 2021, to be eligible for the merit increase. Regular Nonexempt employees on original probation during that period will receive a 2.5 percent increase upon successful completion of the probation period.
Additional details can be found in this memo to campus leadership.
The across-the-board merit increase this year recognizes the full community effort that has allowed us to continue our mission of education, research and creative achievement, and public service in spite of the many challenges we have encountered during the pandemic. In recognition of the integral part that adjunct faculty have played in this community effort, we will shortly announce what will be provided to adjunct faculty who are employed to teach on a course by course basis.
For FY 2023, which begins July 1 2022, USM employees are scheduled to receive an additional three percent COLA and merit increases based on performance from a 2.5 percent merit pool. We will keep the campus updated on UMBC’s plan for implementing FY 2023 salary enhancements.
Thank you for all you do to keep our campus running smoothly.
Provost Philip Rous
Vice President for Administration and Finance Kathy L. Dettloff