Dear UMBC Community,
As we watch news coverage of the Russian military's invasion of Ukraine and the burgeoning humanitarian crisis in the region, our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people. We hope that diplomatic efforts will result in a prompt resolution to this conflict.
These attacks and other acts of heartbreaking violence near and far serve as stark reminders of the urgent challenge to do the hard work of bridging differences. UMBC is a globally engaged campus, and the conflict in Ukraine underscores the importance of educating ourselves about world events and the complicated histories behind long-standing conflicts.
Institutions of higher education have a special role in stimulating dialogue, learning, and critical thinking about complex societal issues. We appreciate all of our colleagues who help our community understand conflicts like these. We hope that many of you will participate in Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Historical, Political, and Personal Perspectives, an online discussion sponsored by the Center for Social Science Scholarship, the Department of History, and the Department of Political Science, talking place on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.
We also wanted to share this recent New York Times column by UMBC honorary degree recipient Thomas L. Friedman, which highlights the ways conflict in the age of global interconnection carries new significance for both individuals and nations.
If you are in need of emotional support in light of these events, please ask for help. Students in need of support can contact the Counseling Center at (410) 455-2542 on weekdays, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., or the after-hours support line at (410) 455-3230. Faculty and staff can access support through the Employee Assistance Program.
President Freeman Hrabowski
Provost Philip Rous