The Sherman Center for Early Learning in Urban Communities is pleased to announce its 2018-19 research fellows, lead investigator, Dr. Susan Sonnenschein, Professor of Psychology, and co-investigator, Dr. Claudia Galindo, Associate Professor of Education, University of Maryland, College Park.
In a multi-year study, Improving Outcomes for Underserved Populations: An Examination of the Literacy Fellows Program, Dr. Sonnenschein and Dr. Galindo will investigate the implementation and effects of the Sherman Center/Shriver Center Literacy Fellows Program (LFP). The LFP is a volunteer program that places UMBC undergraduate students in early childhood classrooms to support young children’s literacy and language development. The mixed methods study will address the following research questions:
- How is the LFP implemented? Does implementation vary across classrooms and/or schools? And, if so, why?
- What are the challenges faced by the teachers and volunteers in implementing the LFP?
- What are the literacy outcomes for children who participated in the LFP?
- Are the potential benefits from the LFP comparable across different groups of children (e.g., English learners, children who start school "not ready" in reading) or do certain groups benefit more than others?
The Sherman Center award will allow Drs. Sonnenschein and Galindo to advance the Center’s work while also contributing to existing research on the role of community volunteers and school-university partnerships in improving young students’ educational experiences and outcomes. Please join us in congratulating them.
The Sherman Center request for proposals for the 2019-20 funding cycle will be announced in September 2019 and proposals will be due in January 2020. For more information, please contact Sherman Center Director, Mavis Sanders, at or visit