Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email
Sign Up for the Maryland Department of Health’s MD COVID Alert App
- Sign up for MD COVID Alert, an app from the Maryland Department of Health that improves contact tracing. Learn more here and opt-in today
Students: i3b Presents “Clear Mind, Calm Heart”
- Join the Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion, and Belonging (i3b) staff for “Clear Mind, Calm Heart,” a virtual holding space to process 2020 and enjoy some fun ways to de-stress, on Wednesday, December 9, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
Timely Conversations: Faculty, Students, and Mental Health
- If you were unable to attend the recent Timely Conversations: Faculty, Students, and Mental Health, or would like to watch the session again, you can find a recording here.
Faculty Office Access for the Spring 2021 Semester
- If you need to access your office during the spring semester to prepare course materials or to teach an online class, please submit a Spring Office Access Request.
UMBC Together
- Grit & Gratitude: UMBC’s Annual Holiday Celebration: We have never been more grateful for our UMBC community than in 2020. Please join us on December 16 at 3 p.m. to celebrate. Register here.
- Visit the UMBC Together website for recent social media posts and the UMBC Together myUMBC group for information on upcoming events.