Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email
COVID-19 Health & Safety
UMBC’s Public Health Dashboard was updated with new data on December 9. There were 8 new positive on-campus cases during this reporting period.
Review helpful guidance from the CDC on testing. Find a testing site in Maryland here.
University Health Services Offers Free Mindfulness Session for Students
Phillip McKnight, M.A.‘19, Instructional Systems Development, and Shriver Peaceworker Fellow, hosts a free Mindfulness Session on Saturday, December 12 at 3:30 p.m. RSVP required.
UMBC Transit Suspends Fixed Route and Charter Services
UMBC Transit regrets that we have suspended fixed route and charter services through the spring 2021 semester due to historically low ridership and COVID-19 response. This is subject to change based on evolving conditions. Please click here for alternative transportation options. For further assistance, inquiries, or concerns please email Transit Operations at
UMBC Together
Visit the UMBC Together website for recent social media posts and the UMBC Together myUMBC group for information on upcoming events.