Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email
This is the last Retriever Ready Action Update for 2020; the next edition will arrive in your in-boxes on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. Best wishes for a healthy and restful break.
Winter Symptom Tracking Requirement for On-Campus Students
- Residential students who have access to winter housing are required to continue daily online symptom tracking during the winter break. Failure to do so may result in a loss of access to on-campus housing.
Testing Requirement for Those Returning to Campus in January 2021
- All employees, researchers, and student workers who will return to campus after the winter break must obtain a COVID-19 test. Please review this page for more information.
COVID-19 Health & Safety
- Here is the latest Maryland Department of Health COVD 19 Advisory, which shares information about travel and highlights the CDC advisory limiting gatherings to those within your immediate household.
Enter the USM Public Health Challenge
- The University System of Maryland (USM) COVID Research & Innovation Task Force invites members of the USM community to take part in a multimedia Public Health Challenge by submitting original videos and social media campaigns that highlight ways for Marylanders to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic. The deadline for entry is 9 a.m. on January 25, 2021. Click here to learn more.
Counseling Center and UHS Closures
- In keeping with UMBC’s winter break closure, the Counseling Center and University Health Services will be closed between December 24 and January 3. The Counseling Center after-hours support line will continue to operate and can be reached at (410) 455-3230.
UMBC Together
- Did you miss the Grit & Gratitude Virtual Holiday Event last week? You can enjoy the full program, including appearances by campus leadership, student performers, and UMBC's own Rhodes Scholars, here! Happy holidays, everyone!
- Visit the UMBC Together website for recent social media posts and the UMBC Together myUMBC group for information on upcoming events.