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Also accepted into competitive LA institute at NC State
I am pleased to announce that Tom Penniston has accepted a new position as DoIT’s Coordinator of Learning Analytics. In his new role, Tom will continue and extend his work to leverage...
May 16, 2022
10:23 AM
Noon series will feature plenty of show & tell demos
For the Spring 22 semester, DoIT's Analytics & Instructional Technology groups will continue to offer student success and learning analytics-related workshops for the UMBC community. All...
January 31, 2022
2:33 PM
Faculty training to support empirically driven course design potentially represents one of the most scalable options available for improving student outcomes at an institution. One strategy to...
August 19, 2021
3:58 PM
$2k professional development awards renewable annually
To encourage, identify, and exchange effective practice in the use of data to inform teaching and learning, the Provost’s Office has awarded UMBC’s first learning analytics mini grants to five...
July 22, 2021
3:15 PM
Training Associated with Higher SEEQs & Course Interactions
There is a statistically significant, positive relationship between a faculty member completing the Planning Instructional Variety in Online Teaching (PIVOT) training and elevated course-level...
February 2, 2021
2:02 PM
Use of Assessments is Key -- and Informs Ultra Rollout
When DoIT announced the phased rollout of Blackboard (Bb) Ultra on April 4 of this year, we did so based on the number of courses typically using Bb in each college as of Spring 2019, starting...
November 25, 2019
10:59 PM
Bb Predict and FYIs Inform Behavioral Nudges
Over the past three full semester terms, UMBC has implemented a predictive analytics pilot “nudge” campaign using Blackboard (Bb) Predict. Beginning in the Spring 2018 term, we selected high...
September 25, 2019
3:11 PM
DoIT, CAHSS, DPS Partner on Site License
DoIT is now providing NVivo, a qualitative research software package equivalent to SPSS, Stata, SAS, or R. This software is available to all faculty, staff, and graduate students. It allows the...
February 14, 2018
2:42 PM
Get a Bird's Eye View of Your Course Across Campus
In recent years, the Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS) has installed or built a nifty set of “bird’s eye view” reports about teaching & learning in the campus’...
March 28, 2017
2:09 PM
Learning Analytics Research for LMS Course Design
Building on prior learning analytics research at UMBC, DoIT's John Fritz has co-authored "Learning Analytics Research for LMS Course Design: Two Studies" in the current issue of Educause Review...
March 1, 2017
2:38 PM