Jesus for President! What would it be like?
Home-cooked meal and discussion
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 · 6 - 7:30 PM
Only about a month until the election and
the sides are drawn in the presidential race. But as Christians, our
ultimate allegiance is never to whoever is in political power. So,
instead of get into partisan debates this month, we'll be spending our
time together looking at another way of living in the world and how God's people throughout the centuries have witnessed to a new way different from the ways of the world.
** Another way of living does not mean that we just choose not to vote at all. Voting helps our neighbor and we are called to steward that vote well.**
All people and all viewpoints welcome. We really mean that!
** Another way of living does not mean that we just choose not to vote at all. Voting helps our neighbor and we are called to steward that vote well.**
All people and all viewpoints welcome. We really mean that!