DE Seminar: Xiang Wan
Loyola University Chicago
Monday, October 2, 2023 · 11 AM - 12 PM
Title: Luenberger Compensator Theory for a Heat-Structure Interaction system: a case study
Speaker: Xiang Wan
Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce some recent development of a continuous theory of the Luenberger dynamic compensator (or state estimator or state observer), with applications on a class of heat-structure interaction PDE-models, with structure subject to high Kelvin-Voigt damping, and feedback control exercised either at the interface between the two media or else at the external boundary of the physical domain in three different settings. The theory applies to three different cases of controls, including Neumann at the interface, Dirichlet at the interface, and Dirichlet at the external boundary. This talk, however, focuses on the first case and discuss the strategy of selection proper control operators; more specifically, how delicate PDE-energy estimates dictate choices the interface/boundary feedback control in each of the three cases.