Medieval and Early Modern Studies Minor Requirements
ENGL 304 British Literature survey: Medieval to Renaissance
ENGL 314 or 351: Non-Shakespearean Drama
ENGL 334: Medieval Literature
ENGL 336: Medieval and Early Modern Drama excluding Shakespeare
ENGL 339: Early Modern Literature
ENGL 340: Writings of Early Modern Women
ENGL 345: Dissent in Medieval Literature
ENGL 346 (Literature & Culture): Images of Joan of Arc
ENGL 346: Biblical Themes in Renaissance Literature
ENGL 350: Chaucer
ENGL 350: Milton
ENGL 351: Shakespeare
ENGL 364: Women in Medieval Literature and Culture
ENGL 405: Seminar: Middle English Literature Beyond the Survey
ENGL 405: Seminar on Ancient Myth and Early Modern Literature
ENGL 410: The Medieval Dream Vision
ENGL 413: Medieval and Early Modern Literature
ENGL 451: Shakespearean Dramaturgy
ENGL 451: Seminar on Dante and Milton
2 courses in the History Department at the 300 or 400 level from the following (or other approved courses):
HIST 358: Art and Society in the Renaissance
HIST 362: Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean World
HIST 363: The Crusades
HIST 364: The Rise of Islam
HIST 374: European Women’s History 1200-1750
HIST 383: Japan in the Shogun Age
HIST 389: Islamic Culture and Society: 570-1560
HIST 457: Byzantine Civilization
HIST 463: Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Middle Ages (cross-listed with JDST 463 and RLST 463)
HIST 465: The Renaissance
HIST 466: The Reformation
HIST 470: Tudor and Stuart England: 1485-1714
HIST 477: History of China to 1644
2 additional 300- or 400-level courses focusing on the medieval or early modern period in any department, with the Director’s approval. The following are courses from Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communications:
FREN 440: Occitania: Sociolinguistic and Literary Perspectives on the Other Half of France
Exception: MEMS Minors are allowed to substitute one approved 200 level course for one of the above 6 courses, at the discretion of the Program Director. If you have questions, contact Prof. McKinley
To register for the minor, fill out a Declaration of Minor Form available in the main office of the English or History Department. Since MEMS is an interdepartmental minor, you may seek advisement from any of the following faculty members:
English: Professor Kathryn McKinley, Program Director, PAHB 408
History: James Grubb Admin. Bldg 717
Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication: Thomas Field AC IV 136