Hi everyone! If you are new to MTC this semester welcome and if you aren’t new welcome back! We are so excited to get this spring semester started so please read below for all of the information you need!
Production team positions are open for Mamma Mia as well, Please refer to the list below for all of the available positions.
Assistant Director
Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager
Vocal Director
Intimacy Coordinator
Deadline: Saturday 2/8 at 1pm
Auditions for our Spring Musical Mamma Mia are now open! All applicants are required to fill out the form. You can audition in person or virtually.
When: Wednesday 2/12 from 4pm-8:30pm
Where: Sherman 006
If you are auditioning in person: Sign up for a slot using the SignUpGenius linked in the form. Please come prepared with 30 seconds of a musical theatre song and be ready to perform the dance audition.
If you are auditioning virtually: Submit both your singing and dance audition by 8:30pm on 2/13.
There will be two parts to this audition: a vocal and a dance part if you are comfortable with doing so! The videos to learn the 30 second dance will be in both the virtual and in-person audition sections at the end of this form. If you are submitting a virtual audition, please submit two separate videos as will be listed in your section.
This form is mandatory for any audition, virtual or in-person.
Callbacks will be held for Mamma Mia the next day, if you receive an email to be called back you are invited to do so.
When: Thursday 2/13 7pm-9pm
Where: Apartment Community Center (ACC) Gold room
Information on who is called back will be sent out the night of auditions
Come on out and hang out with us and other club members at the general body meetings. We play games, hold workshops with other clubs and provide a lot of information on our upcoming shows and events.
When: Every Friday from 12:00pm-12:50pm
Where: ILSB (Interdisciplinary Life Science Building) 237
This Friday 2/7 will be our first one. It will be an audition workshop and a chance to meet the E-Board.
We apologize for the long delay but Showcase 2024 videos are now available on youtube. Feel free to share with all of your family and friends!