Hello Pokémon fans!
Our first general board meeting will be this Friday, 9/15, on our Discord from 12:00-2:00. We will be hosting activities such as “Who’s that Pokémon!” on Kahoot, as well as introducing ourselves to each other!
For the rest of the month, we have planned:
A card and manga exchange on the 23rd of September, Friday from 12:00-2:00 (place TBD). Bring your own cards and manga, make some trades, and have a couple of casual tcg battles, if you like!
Currently, the plan is to have GBMs on the third Friday of each month and events other weeks, occasionally multiple times a week if we see fit. A full schedule of events will be coming out shortly. Additionally, feel free to meet up with your fellow members outside of scheduled time!
Make sure to follow our myumbc page for major in-person announcements and updates! https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/pokemonfanclub