The UMBC Police Department has joined SafeTrade – a national safety initiative for completing online transactions safely when meeting in person.
SafeTrade is a simple program for police and sheriff’s departments to encourage transactions at their facilities; for classified sites to strengthen their safety and security initiatives, and for users to insist on “SafeTrade” by conducting their transactions only at a local police or sheriff’s office.
The UMBC Police Department is proud to partner with SafeTrade in an effort to provide a safe and secure environment for the University community to conduct transactions.
The UMBC Police Department is open 24 hours / 7 days a week. You may conduct your transaction in the lobby of the station which is under camera surveillance. You only need to advise the dispatcher when you walk in, that you are conducting a SafeTrade transaction.
The UMBC Police Station is located at the rear of Parking Lot #8 across from the Performing Arts and Humanities Building. Any questions please call 410-455-5555.