Hi Pre-Pharmers!
We hope you all have had an enjoyable and relaxing spring break!
Attached, we are including the E-board application for the 2021-2022 school year. If you plan on running, please have the application submitted (by email to sanab1@umbc.edu) by 11:59pm on Sunday, April 4th.
If you have any questions about the application or any of the positions, please feel free to reach out to the current E-board.
Sana Behdin, President - sanab1@umbc.edu
Victoria Lee, Vice President - vic5@umbc.edu
Shree Kambhampati, Treasurer - shreek1@umbc.edu
Elizabeth Aguas, Secretary - eaguas1@umbc.edu
Linda Vu, Public Relations - lindavu1@umbc.edu