Hi everyone,
If you are attending conference, sign-up here now! We need to keep a head count and want to create a separate email list so we don't have to keep spamming all of our members.
1. I know you may have had trouble filling out the e-travel form. Download and read the instructions from the last post I made about this...use that to compile a list of all of the information you would need to fill it out, and send your information to Erin (epoandl@umbc.edu) and she will fill it out for you. Please try to do this by tomorrow at 12PM
2. If you registered after 3PM yesterday, you will be reimbursed through a different process than the E-Travel form. You must email (stippett1@umbc.edu) for instructions on how to do this.
3. Everyone must save the confirmation for your registration that shows the amount you paid in order to do any of the reimbursements. These receipts will be turned in after the conference (details will follow)
4. Also, everyone must submit a liability form to umbcswe@gmail.com, see previous posts to download the form. *just ignore the last blank spot in section 1.0*
5. Don't forget there is a carpool: https://docs.google.com/a/umbc.edu/spreadsheets/d/1-wPjpC6ZvBNYVUscNlgmEGXxZ2vb2lElDchAovs59Iw/edit?usp=sharing
Thanks a bunch!