Suicide Prevention and Facts About Suicide
Friends can help prevent suicide by speaking to those who they feel are depressed or considering suicide:
It is important to ACT now: Acknowledge, Care, and help the person get to Treatment.
Ask & Listen: ASK if he/she is considering suicide, & if he/she has a plan or method in mind.
· Ask if he/she has a therapist & if so encourage him/her to call
Do not attempt to argue someone out of suicide. Rather, let the person know you care, that he/she is not alone, that such feelings are temporary and that they can be treated.
Help Seek Professional Help:
· Actively encourage the person to see a physician or mental health professional immediately
· Help the person find a mental health professional or treatment facility, and take them to the treatment if necessary
· Call Counseling (410) 455-2472 or Univ. Police (410) 455-2472 for direction
Recognize the Imminent Dangers
The signs that most directly warn of suicide include:
Threatening to hurt or kill oneself
Looking for ways to kill oneself (weapons, pills, others)
Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide
Has made plans or preparations for a potentially serious attempt
Other warning signs include expressions or other indications of certain intense feelings in addition to depression, in particular:
Intense anxiety, usually emotional pain or internal tension, as well as panic attacks
Feeling desperate or trapped -- no way out
Feeling hopeless
Feeling there's no purpose or reason to live
Rage or anger
You can get help for yourself or a friend through: Your Community Director, University Counseling Services (410) 455-2472, or University Police (410) 555-5555