Hey, CyberDawgs!
Tonight's the night. This meeting we will hold the election for the upcoming Vice President vacancy. We'll be meeting at the usual time from 7:15PM - 8:15PM in our usual place ILSB 118. You can also join us virtually on Webex: https://umbc.webex.com/meet/CyberDawgs. Everyone is invited to attend!
Those of you running for Vice President should have already filled out the interest form, but if not, please fill out the following form (undergrads only): https://forms.gle/xe5bWSqf5xV1rhYB6
As a reminder, as outlined in the constitution, only club members will be allowed to vote\run for position.
Below are the membership requirements:UMBC undergraduates can become members of this organization by:
1. Following the CyberDawgs Student Org Page on myUMBC (https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/umbccd)
2. Attending no fewer than five (5) of the scheduled club meetings per semester (Virtually or In-Person)
We will be double-checking eligibility at the meeting, so please follow the myUMBC page, and don't be late.
Current CyberDawgs Vice President