The first CyberPaws CTF challenge has been released! Please submit your flag to the "CyberPaws CTF Bot" on our Discord via DMs, using the `!submit` command! You have until our next meeting to submit. The flag will always be in the following format: Paws{ex4mpl3_fl4g}.
Category: Forensics
Challenge Name: No Comment
Gordon Ramsay sued me for stealing one of his recipes for my restaurants (In my defense, it was really good). Now I’m on the verge of bankruptcy, and the media keeps hounding me! They go to my house, they find me at Starbucks, they even show up to CyberDawgs meetings! They keep asking me questions, questions, questions. My lawyer (Saul Goodman, fantastic guy) advised me to reply to all their questions with “no comment”. But all I could think about was how did he know about where I hid all my [statements redacted by Goodman & Associates]???
He’s a great lawyer but sometimes a bit unethical. He recently sent me this mysterious file, he says it contains some incriminating chat logs of Gordon which may sway the case in our favor. Apparently he stole them from Gordon when he was busy shouting at one of his contestants on his show. I looked at the file, but I didn’t see any evidence, but maybe you can find it?
Anyways, I hope I win this case soon, I can’t afford to be featured on another news headline...
DM a board member for help if you get stuck.
Best of Luck,
William Brooks
CyberDawgs President