UMBC Moms and Parents Group
Institutional Group • 244 people
Files / Campus Lactation Rooms

RAC Lactation Room

The newest lactation room for the campus community is located on the ground floor of the RAC (Room 073). This room is first-come-first-serve and is accessible during the RAC building hours of operation. This private room includes a chair and sink.

The Women’s Center oversees the operation of this room. If you experience any issues or have any concerns related to the space, please contact Women’s Center staff at or 410-455-2714.

If you need a space to express milk during a specific/non-negotiable time, you can make reservations for the lactation room located in the Women’s Center which is in The Commons. This room also has a fridge to store expressed milk. To make a reservation, contact the Women’s Center at or 410-455-2714.