UMBC Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Electives for Spring 2019
CHEM 455 Biomedicinal Chemistry*, Dr. Katherine Seley-Radtke
Areas: Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry.This survey course provides an introduction to drug design, discovery and development processes from a biological, organic chemistry and mechanistic standpoint. Basic principles of drug design and development, including modern rational approaches, various drug targets, the design and mechanistic features of various classes of inhibitors and prodrugs, DNA interactive drugs, toxicity, development of resistance, and patent issues will be covered.
CHEM 490 Section 1, Advanced Synthetic Methods, Dr. Marcin Ptaszek
Area: Organic Chemistry. The course surveys modern methods of organic synthesis, including classical approaches (enolate chemistry, pericyclic reactions) and new methods (metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions, olefin metathesis). Scope and limitations for each method is discussed. Each method is illustrated by exemplary applications in total synthesis, medicinal chemistry, and material chemistry, from the current chemical literature.
CHEM 490 Section 2, Applied Analytical Chemistry Project, Dr. William LaCourse
Area: Analytical Chemistry. This course provides hands-on experience in the discovery design process. Students learn the progression of a project from defining the problem, collecting relevant information, generating ideas, developing a plan, producing a solution, presenting their ideas to others for feedback, improving designs, and delivering a product; this is done in collaboration with an industry partner who will provide project ideas, an industry mentor(s) and support for the projects.
*Approved as an elective for the undergraduate major in Biochemistry
Important Scheduling Note
Beginning in Fall 2018, CHEM405 is only offered in spring semesters and CHEM405L is only offered in fall semesters. BS Chemistry majors should take CHEM 405 in the spring of their junior year.