ZOOM HAPPY HOUR - March 20 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 · 5 - 6 PM
Lift up your favorite beverage during HAPPY HOUR and regale us with a story about something meaningful to you. Examples include a favorite trip, cooking feat or hack, museum/gallery exhibit, book/movie review, craft/art projects, hobby, volunteer work, silliest prank, best deed, favorite possession or whatever you like.
- Guidelines: 5-minute max w/images, if applicable (we can share screen in Zoom)
- We'll "curate" topics, for variety's sake, from those submitted for the first gathering, so don’t be sad if your topic doesn’t get picked; we hope to have future happy hours, possibly live or at someone's home, but we also want to give our colleagues from around the country a chance to join us.
- We love when you sign up early, and If you wish to present, please register by March 10. This will give us time to review topics and get back in touch with you.
- Host - Kathy O’Dell
Looking forward to hearing your stories!
Register HERE!