Retriever Essentials Share-A-Thon
A new academic year is on the horizon, and UMBC students will be back on the campus. Join us for a drive-in “Share-a-Thon,” to collect healthy, non-perishable foods, toiletries, and select cold-weather gear [hats, gloves, scarves] for students facing financial or housing challenges. Cash donations [in person or online] are also welcome. We’ll meet and collect donations at Parking Lot 22 (off Wilkens Avenue and Hilltop Road near the PAHB) on campus. We look forward to greeting you during the event.
To donate food, toiletries or fund them remotely, you can place an Amazon Wish LIst order on their website. Lists of needed items to donate in person can also be identified from the food and toiletries listings in their website, Retriever Essentials