Happy the last day of September! This is a follow-up to our community building event on 9/27.
Off-Campus Meeting Location
We are currently looking for a location (e.g., a Korean restaurant) for an off-campus lunch meeting. As usual, we need a space that can accommodate a large group with different dietary needs. Please recommend a place to Shuyan (suns@umbc.edu). The meeting will likely take place during the winter break or the spring break.
Survey Planning
A survey of current and potential AAAFSC members is being planned with the goal of gathering critical data in preparation for meeting with our new Provost. We don’t have a timeline yet. If you are interested in contributing to the survey planning process, please reach out to Shuyan (suns@umbc.edu).
Elections and Call for Nominations
Our group grew tremendously in the last two years. Thank you again for your engagement and contribution. Please consider running for a leadership position this year! As shown below, we have multiple positions up for elections this year. Let’s start with the vice chair position (3-year term) this semester. Leadership responsibilities are included below.
Current faculty and staff members of AAAFSC are eligible to serve! Members who (1) have the capacity to commit a significant amount of time and effort to our group and (2) will stay at UMBC for the long term are strongly encouraged to consider running. Please email Shuyan (suns@umbc.edu) for nominations or self-nominations by Friday October 11, 2024.
Between October 14 and 25, Shuyan will meet with each nominee to review the AAAFSC’s work in the last two years so that the expected time commitment is transparent. The election will be conducted shortly after.
In the past several years, leaders of affinity groups received small stipends from the Provost office. Stipends are also available this year. However, stipends may or may not be available in future years.
Leadership responsibilities (as per the Provost Office):
Advocating for and promoting inclusive excellence at UMBC
Meeting informally with candidates for faculty positions
Regularly convening affinity members
Advancing the recruitment, retention, and promotion of affinity members
Enhancing the visibility of affinity members
Current leaders and terms:
Shuyan Sun, Chair, (Fall 2022-Spring 2025; Psychology)
Emily Yoon, Vice Chair (Spring 2022-Fall 2024, currently on leave; English)
Secretary - Vacant since Fall 2023
Sharon Tran, Member-At-Large (Fall 2022-Spring 2025; English)
Liang Zhu, Member-At-Large (Spring 2022-Fall 2024; Mechanical Engineering)
Mohan Sundaram, Member-At-Large (Fall 2023-Spring 2026; Information Systems)