Autism - from Awareness to Acceptance
National Deaf History Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
This month we highlight awareness about sexual assault - which informs community safety and health at UMBC. ADS and SDS are acutely aware of how this harmful and criminal behavior disproportionately affects people with disabilities. Participating in the campus climate survey supports the campus awareness and training and response efforts. UMBC Office of Equity and Inclusion's survey is now open. You can access the online survey here and it will be open until Monday, April 25, 2022 and will take about 15-25 minutes to complete. This survey is anonymous and confidential; only after completing the Campus Climate Survey, is there a voluntary prompt for a drawing.
Content note: This survey asks some questions about personal experiences with sexual and interpersonal violence. Some of the language used in this survey is explicit and direct, and may be triggering or uncomfortable for some participants. Information on how to get help, if you need it, appears before and after the survey and is available at any time on the OEI website.
Learn more about Disability and Victimization here. Become involved with awareness, prevention and safety by participating in Green Dot (prevention) Training and being familiar with UMBC Resources.